'The Sitzprobe' gathers a team of writers, creatives, designers, performers, and more who are passionate about developing original musical theatre work. Whether you would like to extend your experience, expand your horizons, or try a role for the first time, the Sitzprobe is a fantastic theatrical opportunity! You will have the chance to work with a group of enthusiastic individuals as well as the writer of the musical theatre piece to stage a 15-20 minute show in conjunction with several other shows.
This year, UMMTA is focusing on inclusivity, growth, and community. Therefore, we would like to support up and coming creatives and designers through mentorship. If you have never before participated in a particular production team role and would like to try it out for the first time, we can assign you a mentor to guide you through the journey. Previous UMMTA members have tried production team roles in Sitzprobe for the first time with great success, and some have even gone on to be involved with larger scale productions!
This year, UMMTA is focusing on inclusivity, growth, and community. Therefore, we would like to support up and coming creatives and designers through mentorship. If you have never before participated in a particular production team role and would like to try it out for the first time, we can assign you a mentor to guide you through the journey. Previous UMMTA members have tried production team roles in Sitzprobe for the first time with great success, and some have even gone on to be involved with larger scale productions!
Performances from 4th to 6th May
at the Union Theatre, Arts and Cultural Building
at the Union Theatre, Arts and Cultural Building