Footloose is the story of Ren McCormack, a teenage boy from Chicago. He and his mother move to the small town of Bomont after his father abandons them. Upon arriving, Ren finds himself at odds with most of the town, including the Reverend Bomont. The Reverend has convinced the town to outlaw dancing, which Ren finds unbelievable.With the help of Ariel (the Reverend’s daughter) and Willard (his new best friend), Ren sets out to bring back dancing and in the process, help the town to heal from a tragedy that has affected them all.
Performances from May 4th-7th 2022 at Union House Theatre |
'The Sitzprobe' returns with a vengeance with 4 short musical excerpts!
This year, UMMTA is gathering a passionate team of performers to develop new original music theatre work. The projects themselves may be anywhere from a fully drafted musical, or a collection of songs with a basic story, ready to be tested out on stage. ‘The Sitzprobe’ provides writers/composers the opportunity to trial their works in a creative environment and fosters their development by getting their ideas on stage. From 25th-27th May 2022 at the Kew Courthouse Theatre |